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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 4.7 KB | 145 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ; This is an XLISP-PLUS glossary lookup package.
- ; It requires the package facility to work, and uses a file called
- ; glos.txt which is the glossary portion of the XLISP documentation file
- ; When loaded for the first time, it adds a *glossary* property to all
- ; functions which are defined in glos.txt and are in the XLISP package.
- ; This property is the displacement into the file. When a glossary lookup
- ; occurs the file itself is referenced. By operating this way, very little
- ; space is taken for this feature.
- ; There are two user-accessable symbols. tools:*glospaging* is a variable
- ; which causes the output to "page" (pause for user response) at every
- ; screenful. Set it to NIL to defeat this feature or to the number of lines
- ; per page to enable.
- ; The main entry point is the function tools:glos. When given an argument that
- ; is a function symbol, it will look up the glossary definition. If the
- ; symbol is not in the XLISP package, or if a second non-nil argument is
- ; supplied, the name will be passed to APROPOS, and the glossary definitions
- ; for all matching symbols will be displayed
- ; For instance (glos :car) or (glos 'car) or (glos "car") will show the
- ; definition for the CAR function, while (glos 'car t) will show that of
- ; MAPCAR as well. (glos "X") will give the glossary listing of all functions
- ; with names containing an X character, since there is no external symbol
- ; named X in the XLISP package.
- ; It would not be that difficult to modifify this program for environments
- ; where packages are not compiled in, however operation would not be quite
- ; as sophisticated.
- ;Tom Almy
- ;10/93
- ; Revised 2/94, improving operation and clarifying some loading messages
- #-:packages
- (error "This utility was written asuming the package facility is in use")
- #-:common
- (load "common")
- (unless (find-package "TOOLS")
- (make-package "TOOLS" :use '("XLISP")))
- (in-package "TOOLS")
- (export '(glos *glospaging*))
- (defvar *glosfilename*)
- ; We will look things up while loading
- ; so we can toss all the code when done
- (unless *glosfilename*
- (format t "~&Building glossary references---")
- (let ((lpar #\()
- (rpar #\))
- (dot #\.)
- (*pos* 0)
- symbol)
- (labels (
- (xposition (chr str &aux (pos (position chr str)))
- (if pos pos (length str)))
- (seek-next-fcn (strm)
- (do ((thispos *pos* (file-position strm))
- (text (read-line strm nil) (read-line strm nil)))
- ((null text) nil)
- (when (and (> (length text) 3)
- (or (char= lpar (char text 0))
- (char= dot (char text 0))))
- (setf *pos* thispos)
- (return-from seek-next-fcn
- (subseq text 1 (min (xposition rpar text)
- (xposition #\space text))))))))
- ;; The body of the code that does the work:
- (unless (open "glos.txt" :direction :probe)
- (error "Could not find glossary file glos.txt"))
- (with-open-file
- (strm "glos.txt")
- (setq *glosfilename* (truename strm))
- (do ((name (seek-next-fcn strm) (seek-next-fcn strm)))
- ((null name) nil)
- (setq symbol (find-symbol (string-upcase name) :xlisp))
- (unless symbol (format t "~&Documented symbol ~s not found in XLISP.~%" name))
- (when symbol
- ; (format t "~s " symbol)
- (setf (get symbol '*glossary*) *pos*))))
- ;; Check for functions & vars in package XLISP that aren't documented
- (format t "~&Not documented, but found in XLISP:")
- (do-external-symbols
- (x :xlisp)
- (when (and (or (fboundp x) (specialp x))
- (not (get x '*glossary*)))
- (format t "~s " x)))
- (format t "~&")
- ))) ;; Ends the Flet, let, and unless
- (defvar *linecount*)
- (defvar *glospaging* 23)
- (defun linechk ()
- (when (and *glospaging*
- (> (incf *linecount*) *glospaging*))
- (setq *linecount* 0)
- (unless (y-or-n-p "--PAUSED-- Continue?")
- (throw 'getoutahere))))
- (defun glos2 (val)
- (with-open-file
- (strm *glosfilename*)
- (file-position strm val)
- (do ((line (read-line strm nil) (read-line strm nil)))
- ((zerop (length line))
- (linechk)
- (format t "~%"))
- (linechk)
- (format t "~a~%" line))))
- (defun glos (symbol &optional matchall &aux val (sym (string symbol)))
- (catch
- 'getoutahere
- (setq *linecount* 0)
- (if (and (null matchall) (setq val (find-symbol sym)))
- (if (setq val (get val '*glossary*))
- (glos2 val)
- (format t"No information on ~a~%" sym))
- (progn
- (setq val
- (do ((list (apropos-list sym :xlisp) (cdr list))
- (result nil result))
- ((null list) result)
- (when (setq val (get (car list) '*glossary*))
- (pushnew val result))))
- (if (zerop (length val))
- (format t "No matches for ~a~%" symbol)
- (map nil #'glos2 val)))))
- #+:mulvals (values)
- #-:mulvals nil
- )